◼ Ackland-Snow, Terry and Wendy Laybourn. Art of Illusion. Call number: 791.43025 ACK
◼ Affron, Charles and Mirella Jona. Sets in Motion. Call number: 791.430233 AFF
◼ LoBrutto, Vincent. The Filmmaker's Guide to Production Design. Call number: 791.43025 LOB
◼ Rizzo, Michael. The Art Director's Handbook. Call number: 791.43025 RIZ
◼ Shorter, Georgina. Designing for Screen. Call number: 791.46025 SHO
◼ Ward, Preston. What an Art Director Does. Call number: 791.430232 PRE
◼ Whitlock, Cathy. Designs on Film. Call number: 791.4302 WHI