IADT Library has access to many thousands of eBooks which can be accessed on- and off-campus at any time.
To access our eBook collection, click here, and enter your student number and password when asked to log in.
eBooks in the Library can be read aloud by text-to-speech software. Follow the steps below to access the features.
When you're in Pro Quest eBook Central, click “log in” on the top right.
Once you have logged in using your IADT credentials, click “Settings” on the top right of the top menu bar, and then click “Profile”.
In your profile, select the ‘Text Only’ option.
Now the text can be read by a screen reader. It can also be copied and pasted.
Use the read aloud Chrome extension to have the page read aloud.
For more information and help with assistive technology in IADT, please click here.